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Dirk Zimmer

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik

Personal Information (CV)

Dr. Dirk Zimmer is team leader for aircraft energy system in the Institute of System Dynamics and Control. He received his PhD degree at the Department of Computer Science of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Also, he is lecturer at the Institute of Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and member of the Modelica Association.


I am lecturer of the course: Virtual Physics at the TUM.

(Permanent Version of the course)

Research Interests

  • Design and implementation of object-oriented modeling languages (e.g. Modelica)
  • Aircraft energy systems in general and thermal management in particular
  • Robust Modeling of comple systems in general and of mechancal and thermal systems in particular
  • Modeling and simulation of variable structure systems

Journal Articles



  • 2021:Modelica Library Award (1st prize together with Michael Meissner and Niels Weber) for the DLR ThermoFluid Stream Library
  • 2015:Modelica Library Award (2nd prize together with Andreas Klöckner, Frans van der Linden, and Martin Otter) for the Advanced Noise Library
  • 2011: ETH Medal for an outstanding PhD Dissertation
  • 2006: Modelica Library Award (1st prize) for the MultiBondLib library
  • 2006: ETH Medal for an outstanding Master Thesis
  • 2004: Best student-project award for the course: Physically based simulation in computer graphics


  • Since 2019: Member of ASIM
  • In 2017: General chair of the EOOLT 2017 workshop in Munich
  • In 2016: Program chair of the EOOLT 2016 workshop in Milano
  • In 2012: Program chair of the 9th International Modelica Conference
  • Since 2010: Member of the Modelica Association
  • Since 2010: Program committee member of the annual workshop: Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools

Keynotes and Invited Talks

  • D. Zimmer (2022), Mathematical modeling in Modelica: The art of compressing reality. Keynote at the North American Modelica Conference 2022, Dallas Texas
  • D. Zimmer (2022), Robuste Modellierung und informationsverlustbehaftete Idealisierung in objekt-orientierter Modellierung physikalischer Systeme, Keynote at ASIM 2022 Symposium Simulationstechnik, Vienna, Austria.
  • T. Bellmann, D. Zimmer (2020), From industrial applications to electric flight: Modelica as key enabler Keynote at Asian Modelica Conference 2020
  • D. Zimmer (2017), Electric Flight Trends in Modelling and Simulation, Invited talks at ExpoAir, Munich, Germany.
  • D. Zimmer (2017), System modelling of thermo-fluids – challenges and trends from the perspective of aviation. Invited talks at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Energy Technology Area, Berkeley, California, USA
  • D. Zimmer (2016), The Modelica & FMI Technology: Modelling and simulating cyber-physical systems for smart technologies, Keynote at the Inaugural event for the center of Computational Complex Systems, TU Wien, Austria
  • D. Zimmer (2016), Object-oriented modelling and simulating cyber-physical systems, Invited talks at Politecnico Milano, Italy
  • D. Zimmer (2015), Model-Based Design of Aircraft Energy Systems using Methods for Specification, Control and Safety Analysis. Invited Talk at the IQPC More Electric Aircraft Conference, Hamburg, Germany
  • D. Zimmer (2014), Planar Mechanics Library and Simulation, Keynote at the OpenModelica Workshop, 2014, Linköping, Sweden
  • D. Zimmer (2011), Equation-Based Modeling of Variable Structure Systems, Invited Talk at the Computer Science Colloquium, TU Berlin, Germany

Further Publications

Editorial Work

  • Bachmann, B., Zimmer, D.  (2017) Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Object-Oriented, Equation-Based Languages and Tools (EOOLT).
  • Zimmer, D., R. Krenn (2016) Institute of System Dynamics and Control: Status Report 2012-2016
  • Zimmer, D. Casella F. (2016) Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Object-Oriented, Equation-Based Languages and Tools (EOOLT).
  • Otter, M., Zimmer, D. (2012),Proceedings of the 9th International Modelica Conference

Zuletzt aktualisiert: Montag, 05. Dezember 2022 von Dirk Zimmer