# DLR-RMC camera calibration file by DLR CalLab. # Parameters for describing the geometry of pinhole images. # Created: Thu Apr 16 07:57:05 2015 # # NOTE: # This file defines the parameters of one camera or multiple cameras. # In the case of multiple cameras, "camera." becomes "camera..". # The keys of parameters of the left and right cameras of a stereo # system would start with "camera.0." and "camera.1." respectively. # Version number of the parameter file. version=2 # Image coordinate origin at the center of the upper-left pixel (center) # or at the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel (corner). origin=center # The extrinsic parameters describe the transformation of a point Pc in the # camera coordinate system into a point Pw in the world coordinate system, # e.g. the tool-center-point frame at the top of a robotic manipulator. # NOTE: This is inverse to OpenCV. # # Pw = R*Pc + T # # Default: [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] [0 0 0] camera.0.R=[ -0.999893 -0.0118413 -0.00864175; 0.00867270 -0.00256487 -0.999959; 0.0118187 -0.999927 0.00266729] camera.0.T=[ -76.1022 -57.1832 141.168] # The point Pc in the camera coordinate system is projected and transformed # into distored coordinates [u v]. All parameters are used in the same way as # in OpenCV. # # Pc = [X Y Z]^T with Z > 0 # x = X/Z # y = Y/Z # # r2 = x2 + y2 # u = x*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6) + 2*p1*x*y + p2*(r2+2*x2) # v = y*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6) + p1*(r2+2*y2) + 2*p2*x*y # # Default: 0 for all parameters that are not given camera.0.k1= -0.191755 camera.0.k2= 0.156979 # The linear intrinsic parameters are given as matrix: # # A=[fx skew principal_x; 0 fy principal_y; 0 0 1] # # [i k 1]^T = A*[u v 1]^T camera.0.A=[ 725.107 1.58387 391.125; 0.00000 724.660 270.606; 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000] # Image size in pixel camera.0.width= 780 camera.0.height= 582 # Next: camera.1. # The extrinsic parameters describe the transformation of a point Pc in the # camera coordinate system into a point Pw in the world coordinate system, # e.g. the tool-center-point frame at the top of a robotic manipulator. # NOTE: This is inverse to OpenCV. # # Pw = R*Pc + T # # Default: [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] [0 0 0] camera.1.R=[ -0.999899 -0.000564419 0.0142186; -0.0142192 0.000947575 -0.999898; 0.000550887 -0.999999 -0.000955505] camera.1.T=[ -15.7324 -56.3064 140.756] # With respect to camera.0 the transformation reads # camera.0_R_camera.1=[ 0.999674 -0.0112460 -0.0229002; 0.0113257 0.999930 0.00335168; 0.0228609 -0.00360995 0.999732] # camera.0_T_camera.1=[ -60.3606 -0.305207 -1.39953] # NOTE THAT when using stereo cameras, the rotation matrix R between # cameras is similar to inv(R) so that your code could still work, # even if the inverted rotation is used by mistake. E.g. OpenCV's # rectification functions require inv(R) and T. # camera.1_R_camera.0=[ 0.999675 0.0113257 0.0228609; -0.0112460 0.999930 -0.00360995; -0.0229002 0.00335168 0.999732] # The point Pc in the camera coordinate system is projected and transformed # into distored coordinates [u v]. All parameters are used in the same way as # in OpenCV. # # Pc = [X Y Z]^T with Z > 0 # x = X/Z # y = Y/Z # # r2 = x2 + y2 # u = x*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6) + 2*p1*x*y + p2*(r2+2*x2) # v = y*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4 + k3*r6) + p1*(r2+2*y2) + 2*p2*x*y # # Default: 0 for all parameters that are not given camera.1.k1= -0.193231 camera.1.k2= 0.191304 # The linear intrinsic parameters are given as matrix: # # A=[fx skew principal_x; 0 fy principal_y; 0 0 1] # # [i k 1]^T = A*[u v 1]^T camera.1.A=[ 727.082 0.146150 388.801; 0.00000 726.947 272.886; 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000] # Image size in pixel camera.1.width= 780 camera.1.height= 582 # End of file.