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Dr. Michael Panzirsch

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik

Curriculum Vitae:

Michael Panzirsch erhielt sein Diplomzeugnis in Maschinenwesen mit den Fachrichtungen Medizintechnik und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Grundlagen 2010 von der Technischen Universtität München (TUM). Seitdem arbeitet er in der Abteilung für Analyse und Regelung komplexer Robotersysteme des DLR Robotik und Mechatronik Zentrums als wissenschaftlicher Angestellter. Seine im Oktober 2018 abgeschlossene Doktorarbeit an der polytechnischen Universität Madrid (UPM) widmete sich dem Forschungsgebiet der passivitätsbasierten multilateralen Regelung für Teleoperation unter Zeitverzögerung. Sein Hauptforschungsinteresse gilt der Teleoperation von stationären und mobilen Robotern, der haptischen Interaktion im Generellen und medizinischen Robotern. Aktuell bearbeitet er u.a. Forschungsthemen wie Haptic Augmentation, Model-Augmented Teleoperation und Shared Control.

Research Topics:

  • Multilateral Teleoperation
  • Teleoperation stationärer und mobiler Roboter
  • Model-Augmented Teleoperation


SMiLE - Teilprojektleiter Regelungstechnik

HoviTron (Homepage) - Projektleiter

Ceti - wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

AHEAD (Homepage) - wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Abgeschlossene Projekte:

METERON - Analog-1: Entwickler Tele-Manipulationsregelung

Kontur-2: Entwickler Multilaterale Regelung

ROboMObil - Teilprojektleiter Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle

Awards and Honors:


  • DLR Wissenschaftspreis 2023


  • TDPA-ER als Teil des IEEE Standards P1918.1.1


  • Finalist of the Best Paper Award on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (in memory of Motohiro Kisoi) at IROS 2018


  • TDPA-HD MATM (Model-Augmented Energy-Flow Reference for High-Delay Telemanipulation) Regelungsverfahren für die Teleaktuierung, Aktuatorsystem und Roboter
  • TDPA-ER (Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach) Aktuatorsystem DE102020115294A1, US2020310386A1
  • DDPA (Deflection-Domain Passivity Approach) Gradienten-basierte Passivitätsregelung von variablen Steifigkeiten DE102021111413
  • Passive Coupling Reference: Verfahren zur Stabilisierung eines haptischen Teleoperationssystems mit benutzerdefiniertem Haptik-Feedback-Regler DE 10 2022 107 130 B4
  • TDPA-ER (Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach) Verbesserung durch Energiereflexion: Aktuatorsystem DE102023101816B3

Space Robotics Research:

  • Panzirsch, M. and Pereira, A. and Singh, H. and Weber, B. .... and Krüger, T. Exploring planet geology through force-feedback telemanipulation from orbit, Science Robotics, 65 (7)2022, doi:10.1126/scirobotics.abl6307.
  • Lii, Neal Yi-Sheng and Schmaus, Peter and Leidner, Daniel and Krueger, Thomas ... and Panzirsch, Michael... and Visentin, Gianfranco und Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2022) Introduction to Surface Avatar: the First Heterogeneous Robotic Team to be Commanded with Scalable Autonomy from the ISS, In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 18-22 Sep 2022, Paris, France. ISSN 0074-1795.
  • Krueger, T. and Ferreira, E. and Gherghescu, A. and Hann, L. and den Exter, E., van der Hulst, F. and Gerdes, L. and Cencetti, L. and Pereira, A. and Singh, H. and Panzirsch, M. and Hulin, T. and Balachandran, R. and Weber, B. and Lii, N., Designing and Testing a Robotic Avatar for Space-to-Ground Teleoperation: the Developers’ Insights, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2020
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Krüger, Thomas and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Safe Interactions and Kinesthetic Feedback in High Performance Earth-To-Moon Teleoperation, IEEE Aerospace Conference,  7.-14. März, Big Sky, USA 
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Balachandran, Ribin and Artigas, Jordi and Riecke, Cornelia and Ferre, Manuel and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Haptic Intention Augmentation for Cooperative Teleoperation, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 29.Mai-3.Juni 2017, Singapur, Singapur
  • Artigas, Jordi and Balachandran, Ribin and deStefano, Marco and Panzirsch, Michael and Lampariello, Roberto and Harder, Jan and Letschnik, Juergen, Teleoperation for On-Orbit Servicing Missions through the ASTRA Geostationary Satellite, IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, 5.-12. March 2016, Big Sky, USA.

Healthcare Assistance Robotics Research:

  • Vogel, Jörn and Leidner, Daniel and Hagengruber, Annette and Panzirsch, Michael and Bäuml, Berthold and Denninger, Maximilian and Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Suchenwirth, Lioba and Schmaus, Peter and Sewtz, Marco and Bauer, Adrian S. and Hulin, Thomas and Iskandar, Maged and Quere, Gabriel and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Dietrich, Alexander, An Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Robotic Assistants in Caregiving, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2020, accepted
  • Dietrich, Alexander and Vogel, Jörn and Hagengruber, Annette and Leidner, Daniel and Schmaus, Peter and Mansfeld, Nico and Klodmann, Julian and Bahls, Thomas and Panzirsch, Michael and Suchenwirth, Lioba and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, “Feinfühlige, interaktive Roboter in Krankenhaus und Pflege: Wo stehen wir und wohin geht die Reise?”, in Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 307-325, November 2018.
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Weber, Bernhard and Rubio, Luis and Coloma, Sofia and Ferre,Manuel and Artigas, Jordi, Tele-Healthcare with Humanoid Robots: A User Study on the Evaluation of Force Feedback Effects, IEEE World Haptics Conference, 6.-9. Juni 2017, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

Journal Publications:


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Sierotowicz, Marek and Dietrich, Alexander, Extension of the Deflection-Domain Passivity Approach for Variable Stiffnesses to SO(3)RA-L, accepted, 2024
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Bechtel, Nicolai and Hulin, Thomas, Model-Augmented Energy-Flow Reference for High-Delay TelemanipulationRA-L, accepted, 2024
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Xu, Xiao and Dietrich, Alexander and Hulin, Thomas and Steinbach, Eckehard and Albu-Schaeffer, Alin, Enhancing the Force Transparency of the Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepted, 2024


  • Bechtel, Nicolai and Weber,  Bernhard and Severin,  Pascal and Sancho Aragon, Jaime and Van Bogaert, Laurie and Panzirsch, Michael, Towards Physically Realistic Vision in Teleoperation: A User Study with Light-field Head Mounted Display and 6-DoF Head MotionJournal of the Society for Information Display, accepted, 2023


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Pereira, Aaron and Singh, Harsimran and Weber, Bernhard .... and Krüger, Thomas, Exploring planet geology through force-feedback telemanipulation from orbit, Science Robotics, 65 (7)2022, doi:10.1126/scirobotics.abl6307.
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Weber, Bernhard and Bechtel, Nicolai and Grabner, Nicole and Lingenauber, Martin, Light-field head mounted displays reduce the visual effort: A user study, Journal of the Society for Information Display, accepted, 2022, BibTeX@wiley
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Sierotowicz, Marek and Prakash, Revanth and Singh, Harsimran and Ott, Christian, Deflection Domain-Based Passivity Control of Variable Stiffnesses Based On Potential Energy Reference, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and ICRA, accepted, 2022


  • Hulin, Thomas and Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Balachandran, Ribin and Coelho, Andre and Pereira, Aaron and Weber, Bernhard and Bechtel, Nicolai and Riecke, Cornelia and Brunner, Bernhard and Lii, Neal Y. and Klodmann, Julian and Hellings, Anja and Hagmann, Katharina and Quere, Gabriel and Bauer, Adrian S. and Sierotowicz, Marek and Lampariello, Roberto and Vogel, Jörn and Dietrich, Alexander and Leidner, Daniel and Ott, Christian and Hirzinger, Gerd and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Model-Augmented Haptic Telemanipulation: Concept, Retrospective Overview and Current Use-Cases, Accepted for Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021
  • Balachandran, Ribin and Panzirsch, Michael and De Stefano, Marco and Singh, Harsimran and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Stabilisation of User-defined Feedback in Time-delayed Teleoperation with Passive Coupling Reference, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran, Position Synchronization Through The Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach in Position-Position Architectures, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and IROS, 2021
  • Xu, Xiao and Singh, Harsimran and Liu, Qian and Panzirsch, Michael and Hulin, Thomas and Steinbach, Eckehard, A Novel Energy Compensation Scheme for Quality Enhancement in Time-delayed Teleoperation with Multi-DoF Haptic Data Reduction and Communication, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, accepted, 2021


  • Vogel, Jörn and Leidner, Daniel and Hagengruber, Annette and Panzirsch, Michael and Bäuml, Berthold and Denninger, Maximilian and Hillenbrand, Ulrich and Suchenwirth, Lioba and Schmaus, Peter and Sewtz, Marco and Bauer, Adrian S. and Hulin, Thomas and Iskandar, Maged and Quere, Gabriel and Albu-Schäffer, Alin and Dietrich, Alexander, An Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Robotic Assistants in Caregiving, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2020, accepted
  • Weber, Bernhard and Panzirsch, Michael and Stulp, Freek and Schneider, Stefan, Sensorimotor Performance and Haptic Support in Simulated Weightlessness, Experimental Brain Research, 2020, accepted
  • Singh, Harsimran and Panzirsch, Michael and  Ott, Christian, Proxy-based Approach for Position Synchronization of Delayed Robot Coupling Without Sacrificing Performance, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 25.-29. Oktober, Las Vegas, USA & IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Ott, Christian, The 6-DoF Implementation of the Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach with Preservation of Physical Coupling Behavior, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 25.-29. Oktober, Las Vegas, USA & IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Ryu, Jee-Hwan and Ferre, Manuel, Reducing the Conservatism of the Time Domain Passivity Approach through Consideration of Energy Reflection in Delayed Coupled Network Systems Reference, in Elsevier Mechatronics, 2019, (58), 58-69.


  • Dietrich, Alexander and Vogel, Jörn and Hagengruber, Annette and Leidner, Daniel and Schmaus, Peter and Mansfeld, Nico and Klodmann, Julian and Bahls, Thomas and Panzirsch, Michael and Suchenwirth, Lioba and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, “Feinfühlige, interaktive Roboter in Krankenhaus und Pflege: Wo stehen wir und wohin geht die Reise?”, in Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 307-325, November 2018.
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Balachandran, Ribin and Weber, Bernhard and Ferre, Manuel and Artigas, Jordi, Haptic Augmentation for Teleoperation through Virtual Grasping Points, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2018, 11(3), 400-416.


Conference Publications:


  • Gauthier Lafruit and Laurie Van Bogart and Jaime Sancho Aragon and Michael Panzirsch and Gregoire Hirt and Klaus Strobl and Eduardo Juarez Martinez, Tele-Robotics VR with Holographic Vision in Immersive Video, First International Workshop on Interactive Extended Reality (IXR), accepted, 2022
  • Lii, Neal Yi-Sheng and Schmaus, Peter and Leidner, Daniel and Krueger, Thomas ... and Panzirsch, Michael... and Visentin, Gianfranco und Albu-Schäffer, Alin (2022) Introduction to Surface Avatar: the First Heterogeneous Robotic Team to be Commanded with Scalable Autonomy from the ISS, In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 18-22 Sep 2022, Paris, France. ISSN 0074-1795.
  • Michael Panzirsch and Marek Sierotowicz and Revanth Prakash and Harsimran Singh and Christian Ott, Deflection Domain-Based Passivity Control of Variable Stiffnesses Based On Potential Energy ReferenceIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and ICRA, accepted, 2022


  • Ribin Balachandran, Hrishik Mishra, Michael Panzirsch and Christian Ott, A Finite-gain Stable Multi-Agent Robot Control Framework with Adaptive Authority Allocation, Accepted for ICRA, 2021
  • Michael Panzirsch and Harsimran Singh, Position Synchronization Through The Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach in Position-Position Architectures, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and IROS, 2021


  • Krueger, Thomas and Ferreira, Edmundo and Gherghescu, Andrei and Hann, Lukas and den Exter, Emiel and van der Hulst, Frank and Gerdes, Levin and Cencetti, Leonardo and Pereira, Aaron and Singh, Harsimran and Panzirsch, Michael and Hulin, Thomas and Balachandran, Ribin and Weber, Bernhard and Lii, Neal, Designing and Testing a Robotic Avatar for Space-to-Ground Teleoperation: the Developers’ Insights , International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2020
  • Singh, Harsimran and Panzirsch, Michael and  Ott, Christian, Proxy-based Approach for Position Synchronization of Delayed Robot Coupling Without Sacrificing Performance, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 25.-29. Oktober, Las Vegas, USA & IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Ott, Christian, The 6-DoF Implementation of the Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach with Preservation of Physical Coupling Behavior, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 25.-29. Oktober, Las Vegas, USA & IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • Sierotowicz, Marek and Weber, Bernhard and Belder, Rico and Bussmann, Kristin and Singh, Harsimran and Panzirsch, Michael, Investigating the influence of haptic feedback in rover navigation with communication delay, Eurohaptics,  6.-9. September, Leiden, Niederlande, accepted
  • Xu, Xiao and Panzirsch, Michael and Liu, Quang and Steinbach, Eckehard, Integrating Haptic Data Reduction with Energy Reflection Based Passivity Control for Time-delayed Teleoperation, IEEE Haptics Symposium,  28.-31. März, Washington DC, USA
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Krüger, Thomas and Ott, Christian and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Safe Interactions and Kinesthetic Feedback in High Performance Earth-To-Moon Teleoperation, IEEE Aerospace Conference,  7.-14. März, Big Sky, USA


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Balachandran, Ribin, Time Domain Control for Passive Variable Motion and Force Scaling in Delayed Teleoperation, IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems,  9.-11. September, Sinaia
  • Singh, Harsimran and Panzirsch, Michael and Ryu, Jee-Hwan, Preserving the Physical Coupling in Teleoperation Despite Time Delay through Observer-Based Gradient Control, IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems,  9.-11. September, Sinaia


  • Abi-Farraj, Firas and Henze, Bernd and Werner, Alexander and Panzirsch, Michael and Ott, Christian and Roa Garzon, Maximo Alejandro, Humanoid Teleoperation using Task-Relevant Haptic Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1.-5. Oktober 2018, Madrid
  • Vogel, Jörn and Leidner, Daniel and Hagengruber, Annette and Panzirsch, Michael and Dietrich, Alexander, Das Projekt SMiLE, Clusterkonferenz „Zukunft der Pflege 2018“, 4.-6. Juni 2018, Oldenburg
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Singh, Harsimran and Stelzer, Martin and Schuster, Martin J. and Ott, Christian and Ferre, Manuel, Extended Predictive Model-Mediated Teleoperation of Mobile Robots through Multilateral Control, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 26.-30. Juni 2018, Changshu, Suzhou, China


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Balachandran, Ribin and Artigas, Jordi and Riecke, Cornelia and Ferre, Manuel and Albu-Schäffer, Alin, Haptic Intention Augmentation for Cooperative Teleoperation, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 29.Mai-3.Juni 2017, Singapur, Singapur
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Weber, Bernhard and Rubio, Luis and Coloma, Sofia and Ferre,Manuel and Artigas, Jordi, Tele-Healthcare with Humanoid Robots: A User Study on the Evaluation of Force Feedback Effects, IEEE World Haptics Conference, 6.-9. Juni 2017, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Hulin, Thomas and Artigas,Jordi and Ott, Christian and Ferre, Manuel, Integrating Measured Force Feedback in Passive Teleoperation, EuroHaptics, 4.-7. Juli 2016, London, UK
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Artigas,Jordi and Ferre, Manuel, A modular passivity framework for multilateral teleoperation applications, RoboCity16, 26.-27. Mai 2016, Madrid, Spanien
  • Artigas, Jordi and Balachandran, Ribin and deStefano, Marco and Panzirsch, Michael and Lampariello, Roberto and Harder, Jan and Letschnik, Juergen, Teleoperation for On-Orbit Servicing Missions through the ASTRA Geostationary Satellite, IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, 5.-12. March 2016, Big Sky, USA.


  • Panzirsch, Michael and Balachandran, Ribin and Artigas, Jordi, Cartesian Task Allocation for Cooperative, Multilateral Teleoperation under Time Delay, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 26.-30. May 2015, Seattle, USA.
  • Panzirsch, Michael, Asymmetric Properties of Multilateral Teleoperation Systems, Workshop on 'Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Asymmetric Interactions in Distributed Robotics'.  IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 26. May 2015, Seattle, USA.
  • Panzirsch, Michael and Weber, Bernhard, A 3DoF-Sidestick User Interface for Four Wheel Independent Steering Vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. IV 2015, 28. June - 1. July 2015, Seoul, Korea




  • Weber, Bernhard and Panzirsch, Michael and Preusche, Carsten and Deml, Barbara, Der aktive Sidestick als Bedienelement im Elektromobil , Mensch, Technik, Organisation - Vernetzung im Produktentstehungs- und -herstellungsprozess, pp. 473-476. GfA Press. 57. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, 23.-25. März 2011, Chemnitz.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: Montag, 09. September 2024 von Dr. Michael Panzirsch