DLR German Aerospace Center
Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
[29] M Ulmer, M Durner, M Sundermeyer, M Stoiber, R Triebel, "6D Object Pose Estimation from Approximate 3D Models for Orbital Robotics", accepted on IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2023
[28] M Atad, J Feng, I Rodríguez, M Durner, R Triebel, "Efficient and Feasible Robotic Assembly Sequence Planning via Graph Representation Learning.", accepted on IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2023
[27] M Durner, W Boerdijk, Y Fanger, R Sakagami, DL Risch, R Triebel, A. Wedler, "Autonomous Rock Instance Segmentation for Extra-Terrestrial Robotic Missions." IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023
[26] MG Müller, M Durner, W Boerdijk, H Blum, A Gawel, W Stürzl, R Siegwart, R. Triebel, "Uncertainty Estimation for Planetary Robotic Terrain Segmentation.", IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023
[25] P Lehner, R Sakagami, W Boerdijk, A Dömel, M Durner, G Franchini, A. Prince, K. Lakatos, D. L. Risch, L. Meyer, B. Vodermayer, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, F. Seel, S. Schröder, H.-W. Hübers, A. Albu-Schäffer, A. Wedler, "Mobile Manipulation of a Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration." IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023
[24] W Boerdijk, MG Müller, M Durner, R Triebel, "ReSyRIS-A Real-Synthetic Rock Instance Segmentation Dataset for Training and Benchmarking." IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, 2023
[23] A Wedler, MG Müller, M Schuster, M Durner, P Lehner, A Dömel, F Steidle, et al. "Finally! insights into the arches lunar planetary exploration analogue campaign on etna in summer 2022." in Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 2022
[22] J. Feng, J. Lee, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, "Bayesian active learning for sim-to-real robotic perception." in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, 2022
[21] A. Wedler, M. G. Müller, M. J. Schuster, M. Durner, S. G. Brunner, P. Lehner, H. Lehner, A. Dömel, M. Vayugundla, F. Steidle, R. Sakagami, L. Meyer, M. Smisek, W. Stürzl, N. Schmitz, B. Vodermayer, A. F. Prince, E. Staudinger, M. Hellererc, R. Lichtenheldt, E. Dietz, C. Braun, B. Rebele, W. Boerdijk, R. Giubilato, J. Reill, M. Kuhne, J. Lee, A. F. Vilacampa, I. v. Bargen, S. Schröder, S. Frohmann, F. Seel, R. Triebel, N. Y. Lii, E. Bischoff, S. Kille, K. Wormnes, A. Pereira, W. Carey, A. P. Rossi, L. Thomsen, T. Graber, T. Kruger, P. Kyr, A. Börner, K. Bussmanna, G. Paar, A. Bauer, S. Völk, A. Kimpe, H. Rauer, H.-W. Hübers, J. Bals, S. Hohmann, T. Asfour, B. Foing, and A. O. Albu-Schäffer, "Preliminary Results for the Multi-Robot, Multi-Partner, Multi-Mission, Planetary Exploration Analogue Campaign on Mount Etna." in Proceedings of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021.
[20] M. Durner*, W. Boerdijk*, M. Sundermeyer, W. Friedl, Z.-C. Márton, and R. Triebel, "Unknown Object Segmentation from Stereo Images." in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague (virtual), 2021
[19] M. Müller, M. Durner, A. Gawel, W. Stürzl, R. Triebel, and R. Siegwart, "A Photorealistic Terrain Simulation Pipeline for Unstructured Outdoor Environments." in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague (virtual), 2021
[18] A.C. Hernandez, M. Durner, C. Gomez, I. Grixa, O. Teikmanis, Z.-C. Marton, and R. Barbe, "Searching for Objects in Human Living Environments based on Relevant Inferred and Mined Priors." European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), virtual, 2021
[17] W. Boerdijk, M. Sundermeyer, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, " "What's This?"--Learning to Segment Unknown Objects from Manipulation Sequences." in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China (virtual), 2021
[16] M. Schuster, M. Müller, S. Brunner, H. Lehner, P. Lehner, R. Sakagami, A. Dömel, L. Meyer, B. Vodermayer, R. Giubilato, M. Vayugundla, J. Reill, F. Steidle, I. v. Bargen, K. Bussmann, R. Belder, P. Lutz, W. Stürzl, M. Smíšek, M. Maier, S. Stoneman, A. F. Prince, B. Rebele, M. Durner, E. Staudinger, S. Zhang, R. Pöhlmann, E. Bischoff, C. Braun, S. Schröder, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, A. Börner, H.-W. Hübers, B. Foing, R. Triebel, A. Albu-Schäffer, and A. Wedler. "The ARCHES space-analogue demonstration mission: towards heterogeneous teams of autonomous robots for collaborative scientific sampling in planetary exploration." in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Volume: 5, Issue: 4, pages 5315-5322, October 2020
[15] I. Rodríguez, K. Nottensteiner, D. Leidner, M. Durner, F. Stulp, and A. Albu-Schäffer, "Pattern Recognition for Knowledge Transfer in Robotic Assembly Sequence Planning." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Volume: 5, Issue: 2, pages: 3666-3673, April 2020
[14] M. Sundermeyer, Z.-C. Márton, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, "Augmented autoencoders: Implicit 3D orientation learning for 6D object detection." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2020
[13] W. Boerdijk, M. Sundermeyer, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, "Self-Supervised Object-in-Gripper Segmentation from Robotic Motions." Conference on Robot Learning (CORL), virtual, 2020
[12] M. Schuster, B. Rebele, M. Müller, S. Brunner, A. Dömel, B. Vodermayer, R. Giubilato, M. Vayugundla, H. Lehner, P. Lehner, F. Steidle, L. Meyer, K. Bussmann, J. Reill, W. Stürzl, I. v. Bargen, R. Sakagami, M. Smisek, M. Durner, E. Staudinger, R. Pöhlmann, S. Zhang, C. Braun, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, S. Schröder, A. Börner, H.-W. Hübers, R. Triebel, B. Foing, A. Albu-Schäffer, and A. Wedler. "The ARCHES moon-analogue demonstration mission: Towards teams of autonomous robots for collaborative scientific sampling in lunar environments." European Lunar Symposium (ELS), Padua, Italy(virtual), 2020
[11] M. Sundermeyer, M. Durner, E.-Y. Puang, Z.-C. Márton, N. Vaskevicius, K. Arras, and R. Triebel, "Multi-path learning for object pose estimation across domains." in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), virtual, 2020
[10] E.-Y. Puang, P. Lehner, Z.-C. Márton, M. Durner, R. Triebel, and A. Albu-Schäffer, "Visual Repetition Sampling for Robot Manipulation Planning.", in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, May 2019
[9] J. Feng*, M. Durner*, Z.-C. Márton, F. Balint-Benczedi, and R. Triebel, "Introspective Robot Perception using Smoothed Predictions from Bayesian Neural Networks." International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2019
[8] M. Brucker, M. Durner, Z.-C. Marton, F. Balint-Benczedi, M. Sundermeyer, and R. Triebel, "6DoF Pose Estimation for Industrial Manipulation based on Synthetic Data." International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2018
[7] C. Nissler, M. Durner, Z.-C. Marton, and R. Triebel, "Simultaneous Calibration and Mapping", International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2018
[6] M. Sundermeyer, Z.-C. Marton, M. Durner, M. Brucker, and R. Triebel, "Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images", in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, September 2018, Best Paper Award [bib]
[5] M. Brucker*, M. Durner*, R. Ambruş*, Z.-C. Márton, A. Wendt, P. Jensfelt, K. Arras, and R. Triebel, "Semantic Labeling of Indoor Environments from 3D RGB Maps", in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, May 2018 [bib] [dataset]
[4] M. Ullrich, H. Ali, M. Durner, Z.-C. Marton, and R. Triebel, “Selecting CNN features for online learning of 3D objects", in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, September 2017 [bib]
[3] M. Durner*, S. Kriegel*, S. Riedel, M. Brucker, Z.-C. Marton, F. Balint-Benczedi, and R. Triebel, “Experience-based optimization of robotic perception,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Hong-Kong, China, July 2017, Finalist for Best Paper Award [bib] [dataset]
[2] F. Balint-Benczedi, Z.-C. Marton, M. Durner, and M. Beetz, "Storing and Retrieving Perceptual Episodic Memories for Long-term Manipulation Tasks", in Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Hong-Kong, China, July 2017, Finalist for Best Paper Award [bib]
[1] M. Durner, Z.-C. Marton, U. Hillenbrand, H. Ali, and M. Kleinsteuber, “Active classifier selection for RGB-D object categorization using a Markov Random Field ensemble method", in Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conf. on Machine Vision (ICMV 2016), Nice, France, March 2017, Best Oral Presentation [bib]
[6] J Feng, M Atad, I Rodríguez, M Durner, S Günnemann, R Triebel, "Density-based Feasibility Learning with Normalizing Flows for Introspective Robotic Assembly", RSS Workshop on Robotics and AI: The Future of Industrial Assembly Tasks, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 2023
[5] W Boerdijk, M Durner, M Sundermeyer, R Triebel, "Towards Robust Perception of Unknown Objects in the Wild", ICRA 2022 workshop on Robotic Perception and Mapping: Emerging Techniques, Philadelphia, USA, May 2022
[4] L. Meyer, L. Klüpfel, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, "Robust Probabilistic Robot Arm Keypoint Detection Exploiting Kinematic Knowledge." IROS Workshop on Probabilistic Robotics in the Age of Deep Learning, Kyoto, Japan, 2022
[3] W. Boerdijk*, M. Müller*, M. Durner*, M. Sundermeyer, W. Friedl, A. Gawel, W. Stürzl, Z.-C. Marton, R.Siegwart, and R. Triebel, "Rock Instance Segmentation from Synthetic Images for Planetary Exploration Missions." IROS Workshop on Advances in Space Robotics and Back to Earth, virtual (Prague), 2021
[2] M. Sundermeyer, E. Y. Puang, Z.-C. Marton, M. Durner, and R. Triebel, "Learning Implicit Representations of 3D Object Orientations from RGB", ICRA Workshop: Representing a Complex World: Perception, Inference, and Learning for Joint Semantic, Geometric, and Physical Understanding, Brisbane, Australia, May 2018, Best Demo Award [pdf]
[1] M. Durner, Z.-C. Marton, S. Kriegel, M. Brucker, S. Riedel, D. Meinzer, and R. Triebel, "Automated Benchmarks and Optimization of Perception Tasks", IROS 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017
*The authors contributed equally and asserted joint first authorship.